How long do tooth gems last?

Anywhere from a few months to several years. You can get them removed by a dentist if you change your mind later down the road. We offer a two week guarantee. Hard foods, especially baguettes & hard/chewy candies will shorten their lifespan.

What is a flipper, and how does it stay on?

A flipper is essentially a tooth/teeth cover. It looks like your natural tooth but can hide imperfections such as major stains and small chips. It fits on your tooth/teeth like a glove. We do not glue them in, because that is considered dentistry, and we are technicians, NOT dentists.

Can I eat with my flipper/fangs?

No! These are considered costume wear. Please treat your flippers and fangs with extreme care.

How do the custom fangs/ cosplay teeth fit in?

Your custom teeth will snap in and stay without any adhesives or wax. We use a special method with acrylic to custom-fit the prosthetic to your exact tooth shape. Here is a video to show you how it’s done!-

How do the bleaching trays work?

We will make you a custom bleaching tray that fits specifically to your mouth. We will provide you with dental bleach to go along with your tray. We use a bleach concentration that is safe. We do not use the strongest concentration of bleach, because that will dry out your teeth and dull them over time.

Please refer to the “Care Info” Section for aftercare of your smile adornments!

We have a two week guarantee for all Gemini Tooth Gemz Products! If something pops off or breaks within two weeks of your appointment, we will replace your products free of charge. In the event that we are doing a pop up out of town, OR you live out of town and your gem falls off within two weeks, we will offer you a 50% refund.